Official Home of Sammy Nestico Music

A big thanks to all the wonderful musicians and jazz educators I have had the privilege to interact with over years while this site has been operational.
Going forward, this site will no longer function in a commercial way. For those wishing to purchase recorded music, the best source is either iTunes or Amazon.
Sammy's book, “The Complete Arranger”, is available in softcover at Amazon at a substantially lower price than I have had to charge for the hardcover.
The following sites are good places to find Sammy’s sheet music:
For inquires about licensing, use, and all matters concerning rights associated with Sammy’s music catalog, please visit Modern Works Music Publishing, The Modern Works Music Publishing site also hosts the music files for “The Complete Arranger” for download here.
For those interested in the upcoming documentary on Sammy's life, please visit Sammy Nestico Film.
My email will remain active for personal contact with me but not Sammy.
In closing, as of this writing, Sammy is now a few months shy of his 97th Birthday. His career has officially spanned eight decades! That’s a hell of a lot of music for any one person to create. Sammy’s outreach into education and desire to spread good music is where Sammy’s writing has had the largest impact. He’s a musical dinosaur now, but Sammy’s music will live on through those who have taught, played, and studied the bounty of work that is Sammy. It’s more than simply the music, it’s about the inspiration to be the best, while remaining true and humble to the music. Sammy always emphasized the necessity of proper melody, a philosophy that hasn’t been lost on me. I cannot sum up eight decades of work on this page. Sammy taught me many things about music over the years but the most important things had nothing to do with actual music. It was about the concept of painting musical pictures with the orchestra providing the pallet where tones act as colors. I have never forgotten that.
Mark Nestico
Fenwood Music Inc.
Copyright © 2020 Sammy Nestico Music - All Rights Reserved.